Cara Mendapatkan FB Credit

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

GC (Game Coins) bisa ditukar menjadi FB Credit dan kemudian bisa ditukar menjadi Token atau pun di game" yang lainnya........^^

1. BUKA FB ANDA.......
2. Buka
3. Klik " Connect To FACEBOOK " yang letaknya berada di atas sebelah kanan........ lalu klik alow atau izinkan....
4. tunggu sampai selesai log in dan mucul foto profil anda di sebelah kanan atas dan anda sudah langsung mendapatkan 25 Game Coins........^^
5. selanjutnya tinggal mengklik link² berikut ini............
Misinya= Tinggal daftar aja dengan benar dan tunggu beberapa menit...
Misinya= harus pemain baru, instal tuh game di FB, dan selesaikan tutorialnya, mainkan sampai 5 X ..........
Misinya= Instal itu game DI FB, dan selesaikan sampai lv 6.......
Misinya= daftar aja dengan benar dan mainkan permainan " Dinglepop ".......
Misinya= harus pemain baru, instal itu game DI FB, dan selesaikan Tutorialnya sampe selesai...
Misinya= Daftar aja dengan benar dan mainkan " Pool "..........
Misinya= harus pemain Baru, instal itu game di FB, buat characternya dan selesaikan tutorialnya....
Misinya= instal itu game di FB, dan mainin sampe bisa membangun batu emas yang pertama.......
Misinya= harus pemain baru, instal itu game di FB, dan selesaikan tutorialnya........
6. setelah semua selesai anda bisa menukarnya disini......


semakin banyak GC anda semakin banyak pula FB Creditnya...........
semakin banyak FB Creditnya Semakin banyak pula Tokennya..........
Semakin banyak yang Menyelesaikan itu misi Semakin senang saya.........



GC (Game Coins) can be exchanged into FB Credit and can then be exchanged into gaming token or even in "the other ........^^

1. OPEN YOUR FB .......
2. Open
3. Click on "Connect To FACEBOOK" the location was in the top right hand ........ then click alow or allow ....
4. wait till finished logging in and appear in your profile picture right side up and you've instantly get 25 Coins Game ........^^
5. then simply click the link below ............ ²
- Http://
Its mission = Living aja correctly list and wait a few minutes ...
- Http://
Its mission = need new players, install tuh games in FB, and finish the tutorial, play up to 5 X ..........
- Http://
Its mission = Install the game IN FB, and finish up until lv 6 .......
- Http://
Its mission = list wrote correctly and play the game "Dinglepop ".......
- Http://
Its mission = need new players, install the game IN FB, and finish the tutorial until the completion ...
- Http://
Its mission = List aja properly and play "Pool "..........
- Http://
Its mission should the player = New, install the game on FB, create characternya and finish the tutorial ....
- Http://
Its mission = install the game on FB, and playing until able to build the first gold stone .......
- Http://
Its mission = need new players, install the game on FB, and finish the tutorial ........
6. after all is finished you can exchange them here ......

100GC = 5FBC
200GC = 10fbc
400GC = 20FBC
800GC = 40FBC

the more the more you GC FB Creditnya ...........
more and more FB Creditnya Tokennya More and more ..........
Completing the more it pleased me more mission .........

The point = ME TOO GLAD YOU GLAD ......!!!! ^ ^

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